Free Concert

Last night I went to another concert. In fact, it was another NeedtoBreathe concert. But don't worry, they played some different stuff. They were the opening band, but I actually enjoyed them more than the headliner, Lifehouse. Sure, Lifehouse is good and has several radio hits, but NeedtoBreathe just sounded better to me and I think Lifehouse suffers from radio overplay syndrome. Also, they have that one song that gets played at almost every wedding I've been to and if it's played tonight at the wedding I'm going to, that will be the 4th time in a week that I've heard the song. You know what song I'm talking about. I don't even have to say the name. Still, they played some of their old stuff, which I greatly enjoyed. Plus, I got to hang with some great people from one of my favorite places in the world, Waters Edge Church. Here's a video from one of my favorite Lifehouse songs, just in case you're too young too remember this song, or you're like me and like remembering songs from your past.


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