I couldn't be more proud
So, this weekend I headed up to Blacksburg. Why, you may ask? Well, aside from there being some awesome mountain views and a great road trip, my sister Elisabeth graduated from Virginia Tech. Her major was in Human Nutrition, Food and Exercise, (quite a mouthful, I know). Not only does this mean she has a bachelor's degree, but it also means that all 3 of us are out of college. So, my brother and I headed up from the house to see her on Friday. We ended up staying in a dorm because all of the hotels in the area were, of course, booked solid for a very long time. However, the accommodations were quite reasonable.
Friday night we went to the football stadium for the really big ceremony. Before long, the graduates started filing in and there were a lot of them. Thousands started marching in
After they were all seated, the ceremony began and it was pretty good. The president gave his speech and the keynote speaker gave his and there were a couple words from the students. Now the way VT does it is that there are 2 ceremonies, one for the whole University and one for each individual college. So the next day, we went to her ceremony for her college. Here it was short, sweet, and to the point.
After Elisabeth had received her diploma and the cermonies were over, we took a little rest and then a few hours later we went to her house for a celebration with some of our relatives and her friends. It was pretty sweet: good food, good people and lots of laughs. I had a great time.
My sister will be going to Arkansas to pursue her masters, so this after she comes to the house in a few days, that may be the last I see of her for a while, but I will enjoy it while she's here. Congratulations, Liz!
congrats! hope you had fun in Blacksburg while you were there, can be a fun little town.