My First Love

I'm falling in love again with the one who first loved me.
My mind can't understand what He sees in little old me.
But compared to the things of this earth,
The things that are temporary
He is so much more than my human eyes can see.

Love so unfailing
Love so amazing
Love so indescribable.
Love that stretches to the highest height
and to the lowest depths of the sea.

I've missed you
I need you
to fill me again
Come and take my heart
Purify me once again.

I've traded you in for the loves of the earth.
But I'm coming back because you're worth
More to me than anything that I've ever seen
and my soul longs for you because you mean
so much to me
you mean so much to me.

Lord I long for your embrace
I want to see your face.
Come meet me in this place
Once again.


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