
I love kids. Well, most of them anyway. Something about those little guys. Their minds are so ripe for information and whose bodies are so full of energy. I'm mentioning them because starting tomorrow I will be working with the Kindergarten and First Grade Kids of Waters Edge every Sunday. It's exciting, but also challenging. Some kids are ready and willing for any teachings you may have for them. Some are amazed by the Bible stories that are being taught. And even others who come away learning the principles we're trying to instill in their little heads. But of course there are others who just want to play, have their way, and do everything but listen to you. But it's amazing to me to see kids who want to be at church.
This age is also very important to me for another reason: I was saved when I was 5, in Kindergarten. And to be a part of someone's life during a period of time when they make that ultimate jump is something I greatly desire. I want to impact the kid's lives. I want parents coming up to me and saying: "My kid's acting different." or "My kid wants to know more about the Bible." or "My kid can't wait to get to church."
I've told this story to a number of friends but it's worth telling again here. My choice to work with Kindergarten kids at Waters Edge came in great part due to this story. For many weeks I had been working part time with the Wee Worlders, our preschoolers. Just helping out , holding babies, giving them snack, etc. Then I was asked to help out in the Kindergarten class because the church needed my help. So of course I said I would. So every other week I would work with the Kindergarten kids. I loved it. I enjoyed it. But I must confess that I felt like I was doing this to help the church, not helping the kids. Oh, was I mistaken. It wasn't long after I started that one of the girls from the class ran up to me and gave me a hug. Now, I'm not the teacher of this class, I did very little storytelling. I was just there to help out. But this girl touched my heart and made me realize that I was making a difference with what little I gave of my time and energy. So naturally, I decided to dive into this thing and now I'm working with kindergarten and first grade kids full time.

I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.


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