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He Holds All Things

 Life feels fragile at times. There are days, seasons even where the world seems cracked, open. Weakened by the Fall, by our circumstances, the days feel heavier, weightier. The closer we come to the end, the more it seems like our days are like sand through our hands. Time keeps ticking and we can't stop it. Sometimes it feels like we don't have enough time in a given day. Time to pray Time to think Time to do what we want, what we're obligated to do, where our ambitions lie. It's in moments like these where we are aware of our own frailty, Our own mortality, Our own lack of control. And yet... We know who has control. We know the one who offers life eternal. He is strong when we are weak. His ways are better than our own. He is the creator of time and holds it in His perfect hands We may not be able to control time, but we know who does and we can trust His hands with it. He will restore all that is broken. He brings what is dead to life. He is making all things new. ...

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